Welcome to Renurg Productions!
Renurg Productions is an independent television production company that develops scripted comedy series. The first project of Renurg Productions is a thirty minute sitcom created by Peter Gruner. Peter Gruner is an award winning playwright and is a member of both the Playwrights Guild of Canada and the Theatre Aquarius Playwrights Unit.
Other projects that Renurg Productions will develop will be plays written for the Theatre. Current plays that are in various stages of development are Mommy’s Mask, Out to the Folks, and Torn Coupons. Mommy’s Mask will be produced for the 2014 Hamilton Fringe Festival in July. Out to the Folks had a professional workshop at Theatre Aquarius in January 2014 and the next draft is currently being worked on. Torn Coupons is being developed as a musical with composer Steve McRae.
Renurg Productions came about through the Independent Television Producer (ITP) program which is part of Ontario Self-Employed Benefit (OSEB) program. The SEB program helps people start their own businesses while providing them with some support during the first few months of business.
Renurg Productions is currently a sole proprietorship with Peter Gruner as the owner.
Renurg Productions’ long term objectives are to continue to develop scripted content and branch into drama and genre (science fiction and fantasy) shows. Renurg Productions also plans to expand from a home based location to an office space, incorporate and have a full time support staff when projects that are being developed and/or produced warrant the additional growth over the next 3 to 5 years.
Future blog posts will be devoted to giving updates on the status of projects that are being developed by Renurg Productions and passing along information related to the business or aspects of running a business. If you are interested in finding out more about Peter Gruner, please check out his blog at petergruner.com.